Look for our sign just south of Wickford Village
Hamilton Village Inn Is Now Open Year Round
For Reservations And Information:
Reservations/Telephone: 401-295-0700 · Fax: 401-294-9044
642 Boston Neck Road · North Kingstown, RI 02852
Email: hamiltonvillageinn@gmail.com
Master Card, Visa, American Express and Discover accepted – please note that when making payments by credit or debit card there is a 4% service fee.
A Note To Our Guests Regarding Web Directions:
A number of guests have had difficulty finding us when using popular driving direction websites. We recommend you use our directions below.
From Connecticut on Route 95 north, take Exit 5A (North Kingstown) onto Route 102-S. Follow 102-S (11.3 miles) to the town of Wickford. Bear right over bridge onto Route 1A. Our location is 1.2 miles from bridge on left.
From Massachusetts on Route 95-S, take RI exit 9 onto Route 4-S, North Kingstown. Take Exit 5A, Wickford, Route 102-S. Follow to the town of Wickford. Bear right over bridge onto Route 1A. Our location is 1.2 miles from bridge on left.
From Rhode Island Route 138, take Route 1A North (Wickford) for 2.2 miles.
Photography, design and hosting by Tourist Marketing Services
Newport North Kingstown RI Motel Map and Directions